Gerry Connolly tenders his resignation as League Secretary
December 02, 2018
Last night the management committee of the Fermanagh and Western Football League recieved the resignation letter of our long serving League and Match Secretary Gerry Connolly.
"Good evening Neil,
It is with much regret that I wish to inform you of my decision to resign as League Secretary and Match Secretary with immediate effect.
As you are well aware my health has deteriorated considerably over the past 18 months and it is now time for me to face facts and plan for a more sedate lifestyle. My well-being must be my priority and consequently I must remove myself from all circumstances which could threaten it.
For the past few months I have also come to realise that I no longer have the zest nor the high activity levels so essential to discharging the onerous responsibilities of my dual role. Given the time of year I think that now is the best time for my departure - except for a few minor tasks there is nothing that demands immediate attention.
I understand that my precipitous resignation could cause transitional problems and I wish to assure you that I will do all that I can to ensure a smooth transition.
It has been a rewarding experience and I value the time that I have spent as Secretary and the friendships that I have made. I thank you for your support and guidance during most of my tenure and I wish you and the League continued success in the years ahead.
Kind regards
A further statement will be issued in due course. In the interim, could all correspondence be directed to the league Chairman Neil Jardine.